We provide thorough and comprehensive deep cleaning services for your building.
Our deep cleaning services are available to both commercial and domestic customers, and can be customised to your needs to get rid of tough stains and stubborn debris.
Deep Kitchen Clean
We provide deep kitchen cleans for kitchens that have tough stubborn stains, mould or other unwanted elements that hinder your usage.
We use powerful cleaning agents and equipment to effectively clean and sanitise surface areas like countertops, splashbacks, sinks and more.

Deep Bathroom Clean
Our deep bathroom cleaning service helps restore your bathrooms to an almost brand-new condition.
Whether it’s one particular unclean area of your bathroom or a bathroom that has been in disarray for years, we promise to restore it to a sparkling condition.

Deep House Clean
We provide deep house cleans that can take care of every room in your home.
Our deep house clean services can help radically transform your household from its previous state into one where you can begin to redecorate and use it.

Full Deep Cleaning FAQ
Where can I find deep cleaning services near me?
Deep cleaning services by Dream Cleaning are available to clients in Wicklow, Kildare and Dublin.
What types of deep cleaning services are available?
We provide deep house cleans, deep bathroom cleans and deep kitchen cleans.